Information folder

The information leaflet is included with each product; This includes health warnings, prevention messages and advice for use, as well as consumer advice on how to store the hemp or hashish. This product is intended for use by adults. The information below is therefore intended for persons aged 18 and over.

This user information has three purposes: 1) inform you about what cannabis is and what the effects are, 2) inform you about unwanted effects and side effects, 3) inform you about where to go for help. Drug use is never without risk.

In this user-information we're talking about cannabis. Cannabis is a collective name for products made from the cannabis plant (or hemp plant). Weed and hash are purchasable in coffeeshops. Weed consists of dried female flower tops. Hash is the compressed resin. Weed and hash contain approximately the same substances.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main active ingredient in cannabis. In general, the higher the percentage of THC, the stronger the effects. The second important substance that can be found in cannabis is cannabidiol (CBD). CBD seems to affect some of the effects of THC. The concentrations of THC and CBD differ per cannabis strain. This information is on the packaging.

In addition, it contains hundreds of different substances that can have desired and undesired effects. For example, terpenes influence the taste, smell, and how cannabis is experienced.

The three most common ways to use cannabis are smoking, vaping, and eating. Most people use cannabis by rolling a joint with paper and a tip. Often tobacco is also put in it. Smoking a joint is called smoking weed. A user gets about 3–6 joints from 1 gram of cannabis, but this varies from person to person. Another method of use is vaping with a vaporizer.

  • A vaporizer heats the cannabis so that it vaporizes and can be inhaled.
  • Cannabis can also be eaten by, for example, making a (space) cake.

The way of consuming has a major influence on how quickly and intensely you feel the effect and how long it lasts. The table below provides an estimate of how long the effects at least will last. The effects can also last longer. This can vary greatly between individuals and depends on many factors.

Way to consume cannabis

After how much time do the first effects start?

After how much time do you experience the most intense effects?

How long do the effects last?

Smoking or vaping

After a couple of seconds

3-10 minutes

At least 3-6 hours


After 30-90 minutes

2-3 hours

About 4 to 12 hours

Cannabis can get you high or stoned. Being 'high' gives a cheerful and happy feeling. Being stoned gives a heavy physical feeling, especially in the arms and legs. Cannabis can also have a relaxing effect. The use of cannabis changes perception. This way you can see things more clearly and perceive sounds stronger and clearer. Other effects include a strong increase in appetite (munchies), laughter (laughing fit), and changes in the perception of time. Cannabis could case an increase in heart rate and red eyes. Cannabis can also cause a dry mouth, dizziness and heart palpitations. You may also feel nauseous or get a headache.

The effects depend on many different factors. It matters how often, how much and how you use. The strength and type of cannabis have an influence. How you feel, what you expect and how your body breaks down the cannabis is also important. Finally, the environment (where and with whom you use) influences the effects.

  1. Cannabis can cause unwanted effects. These effects can always occur. They can be intenser with cannabis which contains a lot of THC. Some people are more likely to have this than others. Under point '5' you will find more information about which people are at higher risk.

  2. The use of cannabis has a negative influence on the functioning of your brain. Cannabis can impair memory, reaction time, attention, motivation and impulsivity. It can also become more harder to plan and learn new information. These negative effects are more powerful when you are under the influence in the first hours after use. When you are no longer under the influence, this will recover. But in people who use it for a long time, these features also seem to be slightly worse than in non-users.

  3. Cannabis can cause short-term psychotic symptoms in predisposed individuals. Cannabis use is also associated with a higher risk of developing psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.

  4. Cannabis can make you feel worse and cause a 'bad trip; you then feel sick and anxious. The effects could cause you to be anxious, suspicious and gloomy. Cannabis can cause panic attacks, depression, mania, and anxiety. These effects can always occur. These can be stronger with cannabis which contains a lot of THC.

  5. Regular use can increase the risk of addiction. Problematic use and addiction can arise with all types of cannabis. But this is more common with cannabis which is high in THC.

  6. Cannabis can induce a state of passivity and apathy.

  7. Smoking cannabis can cause respiratory and lung problems such as chronic bronchitis, coughing, mucus production, and wheezing. That also applies if you smoke cannabis without tobacco.

  8. Cannabis can make you faint. When intoxicated, cannabis almost always causes a rise in heart rate and changes in blood pressure. In healthy people this is usually not serious. Lowering blood pressure does increase the risk of nausea and fainting. There is a small chance that the use of cannabis will cause a heart attack, stroke or heart rhythm disorder.

  9. In the case of pregnancy, cannabis use can cause premature birth and slow fetal growth. There are also indications that the child may develop a developmental delay later.

  10. Cannabis use, while you are breastfeeding, can have adverse effects on the child, such as growth delays.

Certain groups of people are known to be at greater risk. These people should not use cannabis or should be extra careful with its use. In general, drug use is never without risk.

  • Young adults are more at risk of addiction. They are also more likely to experience other adverse effects, including developing psychosis and learning disabilities. In addition, the brain is still developing at this age. The use of cannabis can adversely affect this.

  • People who have had a psychosis or have family members who have had a psychosis. These people are extra prone to developing psychotic symptoms and/or developing a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia.

  • People who have (other) psychological issues (such as depression, anxiety or mania) or who have experienced these issues in the past. In these people, these complaints may worsen or come back.

  • People who are prone to becoming addicted. For example if you have had an alcohol or drug addiction before. People who use cannabis to deal with problems or to forget about their problems are more at risk of addiction.

  • Novice users and users who feel tense are more likely to experience a 'bad trip'. These effects can always occur. They can be stronger with cannabis that contains a lot of THC.

  • Specifically when smoking cannabis: people who already have lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis from asthma.

  • People who have cardiovascular disease.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women.

  • Do not participate in traffic if you have consumed cannabis. The effects of cannabis can last for a very long time. How long exactly is impossible to say, and it depends, among other things, on how much and how you use cannabis. Be aware that Dutch law has a hard limit for the allowed THC level in the blood. It's possible that you no longer feel the effects, but that you are still above these legal limits.

  • Do not handle machines if you have used.

  • Do not use just before or at work. The effects of cannabis can last a long time.

  • Do not use during classes or studying.

  • If you don't know how your body reacts and don't have much experience yet: start with a low dose. Let the coffee shop advise you on this. Food (spacecake) is not recommended for inexperienced users as the effects can be very unpredictable.

  • Always keep your cannabis in a safe place, out of the reach of children and young people.

  • Do not use cannabis in combination with alcohol or other drugs. Cannabis in combination with certain drugs can carry additional risks. Ask your doctor or pharmacist whether this also applies to your medicines.

  • To reduce the risk of habit formation and addiction, do not use cannabis daily.

  • Don't use cannabis to deal with your problems. It will increase the chance of problematic usage and will not solve your problems.

  • Make sure you use cannabis in a safe environment. The environment in which you use cannabis influences the effects and risks.

  • This cannabis is not intended for medicinal use. Ask a doctor for information about the medicinal use of cannabis.

Specifically when inhaling cannabis:

  • Smoking cannabis is harmful to your lungs.

  • For users who combine cannabis with tobacco, smoking tobacco is extremely harmful to their health. The combination can cause you to become addicted to both tobacco and cannabis.

  • Vaporizing cannabis with a vaporizer is probably less bad for your lungs than smoking cannabis. Therefore, it is better to use a vaporizer than to smoke cannabis. The long-term effects of using a vaporizer are still unknown.

  • Inhaling deep or holding your breath is ineffective and will only increase the health risks for your lungs. THC is absorbed directly into the lungs.

Need help?
You may be using more or more often than you would like, or you may experience problems with your use. You can call the Drugsinfolijn on 09001995 (0.10 cent/min) or email or chat with them (see You can also make an appointment with your GP or request a free consultation at the prevention department of an addiction care institution in your area.

On the following website; you can find information if you are concerned about your use, for example, if you get annoying complaints, want to reduce or stop, or have questions about use:

Cannabis is on list II of the Opium Act and is mentioned in the Decree on alcohol, drugs and medicines in traffic.
Dutch law states the following matters that are relevant to you:

  • The preparation, production (cultivation), sale, trade and export of cannabis is forbidden.

  • If you have 5 grams of cannabis or less, you won't be prosecuted. So make sure you don't have more than 5 grams.

  • It is usually not allowed to possess cannabis in other countries. So do not take cannabis with you when you go abroad.

  • In a large number of municipalities, according to local regulations (General Local Ordinance), it is not allowed to use cannabis in public areas in certain areas.

  • Driving under the influence of cannabis is a criminal offense. Dutch law uses a hard limit for the allowed THC level in the blood.

  • The use of cannabis is NOT punishable. Have you used cannabis and need help? Always be honest about your use.

More information about the 'Closed Coffeeshop Chain Experiment' can be found at: https://www.rijksoverheid .nl/onderwerpen/experiment-closed-coffeeshopketen-wieexperiment

  • The data in this information leaflet is based on currently available scientific knowledge. There is not conclusive scientific evidence for all points in the folder. Therefore it is possible that the information in this folder is not complete or that it may change in the future.

  • The cannabis you have purchased is regulated. This is in distinction to cannabis which is sold without this user information in coffee shops that are not participating in the experiment. This means that you have reliable information about the composition, and that no pesticides have been used that could be harmful to you.

  • Please note: this does not mean that regulated cannabis cultivation is a product without health risks (see points 4., 5. and 6.).

  • Cannabis is also used for medical purposes. This cannabis is intended for recreational use, an therefore we do not provide information about medicinal use here.

Store the cannabis in a dry, dark room at room temperature.

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